Growing up in Daytona Beach, I am all too aware that almost every spring break someone does something really impulsive and tragic, like trying to jump off of a balcony into a pool. Impulsivity is when a person does something without thinking the action through. It involves “THINK – immediately DO”. It’s that sort of thing that when you are asked, “What were you thinking?” or say to yourself “What was I thinking?” you can’t really answer. If someone is being impulsive, that person does not go through the decision making process, which includes:
P: Process Information – What is actually happening right now?
O: Weigh the Options – What are the different choices I have?
J: Make a Judgment – Which is the best choice to pick?
E: Execute a decision – I’m going to do this choice.
The consequences of some impulsive decisions in life are lasting. Not all impulsive decisions are as extreme as jumping off of a balcony at spring break. However, making even small impulsive decisions can still wreak havoc with your daily life. If you have ADHD, you probably have more problems with impulsivity. Having a tendency to make impulsive decisions can happen to you if you are an adult, or a high school or college student on spring break.
Think about impulsive decisions while you are on spring break. Slow down and go through your POJE the next time a decision presents itself!